Thursday, January 03, 2013

What can promotional items do for you? Building Brand & Exposure

At one time or another, we have all had promotional items thrust upon us as we go about our day – these are normally flyers and leaflets being handed out by individuals who are far too cheerful and being paid to smile too much – so, is this the best way to help build your brand and gain exposure?
The answer is a resounding no!
Let us look quickly at why. You might be walking through a shopping mall when someone pounces upon you, mutters something about “15% off today only” presses a leaflet into your hand and then jumps upon the next hapless target.
We can all see why this is a waste of time! The next bin they pass is where it ends up.
So what are the alternatives? How do you go out to the public without annoying them, forcing them to take excess paper off you and instead make them want to learn more about you?

ExhibitionsAround the country on a daily basis you have hundreds of exhibitions and shows and the beauty about these is that the people that attend them want to be there! It couldn’t be better! But how do you stop them from getting back home or to the office without you having left an impression on them?
OK, let’s have a look at your setup. You have your exhibition stand – you have your promotional literature – perhaps you have a TV with a DVD running explaining a little more about what you do – you have a few company representatives on hand to answer any questions – So what happens when your visitors walk away? A piece of paper folded up in someone’s pocket is guaranteed to do nothing other than end up being recycled (in the bin!) after they have left so it needs to be backed up with something a little more solid.

Promotional Items
Here is the catch. If you give someone a pen with your company name and number on it, what happens when they get home? Do they instantly throw it away? If you think back to any shows you have ever attended – did you ever throw all of the promotional items away?
If you ask people what is one of the main things they head to exhibitions for (as well as the show itself), is the freebies – the promotional items. Here we will look at some of the more popular ones that you will see and why they are a good idea to use.

Branded Packets of Mints
Who in their right mind is going to throw a packet of mints away? These are a perfect small item that you can hand out to stall visitors.
The plus points:
  • Relatively inexpensive
  • Small & Thin so fit perfectly into a pocket or purse
  • Two flat sides mean these are perfect for getting your message across
  • There is only really one and that is that you generally only get around 60 mints per packet so can last for just a week or two. The lifespan of these products is limited due to the fact the packet will be disposed of when it is empty.
  • These are cheap enough that even though they have a limited lifespan in how long they will remain being used, they are a must for everyone.
Probably the most popular promotional item today, and will remain at the top. Pens can last for many months and years and end up in the car, at home and in the office.
The plus points:
  • Range from very cheap to quite expensive so something for everyone
  • Wide range of styles and colors
  • A pen has only a limited amount of space where you are able to print, so although good as a reminder, a company name and number or website address is about all you can get on there.
  • Like the packets of mints, pens are cheap – even more so with prices starting at just a few pence each, so you afford to pop a few in each bag of goodies you give out. The perfect stall freebie!
Note Pads
Hugely underestimated as a promotional item, an A5 or A6 notepad is a great way to get your name under someone’s nose for quite some time.
The plus points:
  • 50 sheet notepads are inexpensive and allow for a huge amount of space to get your message across
  • Use colors or monochrome if you wish to have almost a watermark effect
  • Will sit around the house and office for quite some time
  • Like the mints, you have a limited lifespan here because the notepad will be discarded once all of the sheets have been used up.
  • Prices will vary greatly depending on how much printing you want doing, the quality and number of sheets of paper and if there is any colour to go on there. That being said, you can buy these in bulk from any one of the many printing houses around. Another must for any exhibition stand!
Trolly Coins
What is the one place you can guarantee someone will visit at least once a month – if not more these days? The supermarket! However, almost all now have adopted the coin system in order to ‘unlock’ the shopping trolly, which you get back when you have finished.
The plus points:
  • These will sit quite happily on any keyring and remain there
  • Unlimited uses for a long period of time
  • Coming down in price when bought in bulk
  • Enameled look is very eye-catching
  • Only a small space to get your message across and is normally nothing more than a brand or company name
  • Because of the longevity of this item, if you have the budget to get these, they will most definitely not end up being discarded and will keep being seen by someone time and time again. However, give two per visitor because you never know who will be doing the shopping!
Key Rings
Just about everyone likes keyrings, but whatever you do, do not go for these clear plasic ones with a logo inserted then pressed together! These are seen as cheap, tacky and almost like you really don’t care – which is absolutely the wrong message!
As long as you spend a little more and get something in metal that looks nice, then you will really benefit here.
The plus points:
  • Wherever the car goes, your brand goes!
  • Perfect if you combine this with a trolly coin
  • Many sizes and designs to choose from
  • Size dependant, you have quite a bit of room for company name, number and other contact details
  • Although they go everywhere with you, they wont always be in front of someone’s eyes
  • A real plus with a keyring because if you spend just that little bit extra, then you will have something that will sit on a keyring for many years to come
If you care about your brand and how to build it, do not start by going for the cheapest option. Time tested products that are proven to work are by far an away your most logical choice.

Text taken from web.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here we will look at some of the more popular ones that why they are a good idea to use. Click here. thanks .........